​Southwind Community Association
Arlington, Texas

Neighborhood Events
Fun Neighborhood Events
2024 Community Board Meeting Schedule
Thursday, April 11
Tuesday, August 6
Tuesday, October 15
Martha Reid Leadership Academy
500 Country Club Drive, Arlington
2024 Community
Saturday Garage Sale
April 13
October 12
Volunteers Needed
Want to meet fellow neighbors & make a difference in our Community?
Southwind needs volunteers for the following committees:
1. Neighborhood Safety
More Information
Ready to Volunteer?

​​Welcome to the Southwind Community Association of Arlington, Texas.
We are so excited to be a part of this community and to be able to get to know each and every one of you and your families. Our goal is to have a community where people feel good coming home and desire to plant roots. Where everyone feels welcome and wants to be a part of an active engaging community.

To pay your HOA dues, click on the Spectrum AM logo below.

What's New
Pool Closed for the Season
Reopening Weekends starting Saturday, May 4, 2024
Reopening 7 Days a Week
starting May 25
9am - 9pm
If your pool card does not open the gate door, please email Access@Spectrumam.com with the following:
1. The date and time of when you scanned your pool key card.
2. An image of your pool key card.
3. The address associated with the pool key card.
If you need a pool card you can click here or by utilizing the SpectrumAM App.
Pool cards will be mailed to the address shown on your account, with a typical turnaround time of five business days.