Southwind Community Association and Nextdoor
Southwind residents on occasion attempt to use Nextdoor as a means to communicate with the Association on matters that concern them. We ask that in those cases that you use established communication links to reach us. On our community website,, all email addresses and phone numbers for all Board members are listed, as well as contact information for Classic Property Management. You can also email the Board through the community website directly. Board meetings are open to all residents and we allow time for residents to voice concerns and ask questions.
Nextdoor is not affiliated with the Association. It is a private company that provides a social blog to any community that sets it up. Since many residents are new to our community, here is a bit of history on our usage of Nextdoor. Over two years ago we initially set up Nextdoor for the Southwind community. Besides the advantages of allowing residents to buy, sell, and exchange information, it was advertised as allowing the local police to advise us on safety issues. The initial setup contained Association information and was intended as an alternate means of communications to the Association.
A few factors changed that. The layout of Nextdoor proved unwieldy over time for conveying Association information. More importantly, as community issues arose and posts started to become heated and less than neighborly, residents on Nextdoor increasing asked for Association information to be removed. After consideration, the Board decided to honor those requests and created the website to handle Association information.
As circumstances dictate, the Board will selectively post information on Nextdoor in an attempt to reach the majority of our community. On rare occasion, we will respond to a question or request on Nextdoor, however we limit doing that and request that residents use official means to communicate their concerns.
We hope you understand our position on Nextdoor and we want to reiterate that resident concerns led us to the current solution. As an Association, we do not interfere with Nextdoor posts. While we do have administrative privileges within Nextdoor (as founder), we administer Nextdoor’s stated policies uniformly and separate Nextdoor and Association concerns.