New Management Company
Every January, the Southwind Board of Directors performs an evaluation of the current management company’s performance. Due to recurring issues we’ve had with Classic Property Management in the past year, we decided to interview other management companies this Spring and have chosen to move forward with hiring Principle Management group (PMG).
PMG is the largest HOA management company not only in the DF/W area, but in the world. They are very price-competitive and most importantly, we believe they can not only correct previous deficiencies we’ve experienced, but will provide us with great service, technology, and tools. Being the largest company, PMG has the ability to leverage resources and buying power to benefit our community. Their up-to-date tools and technology will not only provide a much needed update to Board and resident web access, but provide the Board with an advanced accounting system and customizable reports. From a service level perspective, their team approach to property management will provide an increased level of service, enhanced responsiveness, and more focus on maintaining pristine community facilities and common areas.
PMG will start service to our community on 1 July 2016, with the transfer of records and resources from Classic having already begun. Our next community Board meeting is Tuesday, 16 August 2016. PMG will be in attendance to introduce themselves, and will be available for any questions you might have. We look forward to seeing you there.